Friday, December 11, 2015

Vintage Bride Carlye's Tips for a Wonderful Wedding.

Dear Reader, 
Today, we have the last of Carlye's wonderful posts: her tips for future brides...

1. Make sure your day reflects you as an individual and as a couple! Don't do anything because someone else wants you to or because it's what your 'supposed to do'! You and your guests will have a far better time knowing all those big and tiny details reflect you both! 

2. Make sure you have a way of collecting photos in one place such as a website, Instagram etc so you don't miss a moment.
3. Ensure you have an idea of what type of photos you want and who you want in them but also give a bit of time for guest to ask your photographer to take pictures of them so you don't miss a vital group or couple which you may forget in your own personal list! That way you have everyone covered! 
4. Shop around for what you want and stay within your budget. Don't settle for anything less on the big things like your dress, venue, food, photographer if you can – as these are what will make your day! 
5. It's worth spending a bit more on your photographer as this is your record for years to come! Get the best for your budget! 
6. And once you both know what you want, ask family and friends to help where they can. They'll be happy to do it as a wedding present. This will allow everyone to be included and  adds that personal touch, while saving you time and money. 
7. Only invite who you really want and who know you both. Don't feel obliged to invite people's other halves or someone from work or someone you don't know every well. This can be tricky but ultimately it will save you money and ensure you only have your nearest and dearest! Just ask yourself: will we still see each other in 3 ,5, 10 years time? We had everyone we wanted and it felt so much more intimate! 
8. Try not to stress and worry. Ensure you enjoy your day as much as possible. Things may not exactly go to plan but make the best of things – it's your big day and it's never gonna come round again! 
9. Try to see everyone and do everything you planned to get the most from it. But it's important to accept this isn't always possible – and that's ok as long as everyone else enjoyed it! 
10. Try not to be too precious about your dress. Just enjoy it. Don't be afraid to move or eat or dance! It's there to make you look beautiful but for you to also enjoy your day as well. If there's a hiccup – mine got stood on and I caught my sleeve – it can be fixed. Don't panic! 
11. Remember your day is about you both most of all, about enjoying yourself with friends and  family! Capture moments and make memories for years to come. That way, when you're old and wrinkly you can smile and enjoy looking back! 

Thanks so much Carlye – for sharing your brilliant day and all your wisdom. 
Readers... what a girl! 
Heavenly Vintage Brides

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